
November 7, 2022

REAL LIFE! – Believe Series: Week Eleven

The Great Commission

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)

Jesus’ command to make disciples carries an implication with it. “To make a disciple, we must be a disciple!” We are told so many things throughout our day and lifetime, what should we believe, what should we follow? Truth be told, most things are “caught” not “taught”.

Let’s bring this thought process to our homes and discuss it. For many, our mission field is found under the roof we live in. We desire for our children, our spouse, our parents, our siblings to know and follow Jesus. To be a disciple of Christ. We may even share that with them, but do we share it through our “everyday” words, actions, reactions?

Do they see how Jesus has transformed your life? Do they see the fruits of the Spirit exercised in your life? Does the fruit of your life match the “Vine” (Jesus), or is Jesus just another aspect of your life?

Those are really difficult questions to ask ourselves, but they are important ones. As I write this, you may be thinking, “Ben, how can I be perfect, how can my life win others to Christ, especially my family…those who know all the good and bad about me?”

Well, take a deep breath and relax, God is the one who draws people to himself (John 6:44). He is also the one who gives salvation and continues on doing the good work in our lives (Philippians 1:6).

The only one who is perfect is Jesus. God knows this and he does the heavy lifting. How can God use our life to win our family?  

You be a disciple! Being a disciple can be three things:

  1. Faithful

Faithful to the “known” will of God. We often struggle to find the unknown will of God (what job to take, school to attend, who to marry, etc.) but the known will of God is simple.  

  • Read His Word on a daily basis
  • Pray (for His will to be done)
  • Give (of your time, talents and treasures)
  • Be part of His community (The church)
  1. Available 

Available for the Spirit’s leading. We have no idea when “God-centered” conversations are going to take place with our family. When it comes up, be available to listen and talk. The Holy Spirit will give you the ability to share what is necessary even when you are not sure.

  1. Teachable 

One of the greatest things we can show our family members is when God is teaching us. Whether it is from something positive or negative that we have done or has been done to us. Talk with our family members about those moments when God reveals what he has taught or is teaching you.

Questions to ponder:

  • Are you faithful to the things of God? How can you be faithful?
  • Would you commit to praying for opportunities to be available for those closest to you?
  • What is God teaching you right now? Would you be willing to share to those who are closest to you?

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