
September 14, 2022

REAL LIFE! – Believe Series: Week Three

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.”

John 14:16-17 (ESV)

Isn’t it amazing that God has always existed in relationship? God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit have always existed. He has always been in and about relationships.  

Now throw in Genesis 1:26-27, which says “Let us make man in our image.” Do you know what that means? It means, we were created and designed to be in relationships with people. We are not meant to be alone. God designed us to be with other people.  

We see this early in the development of a child. When we are born, we immediately form an attachment with another person. As a matter of fact, while in the womb we form an attachment with our mother. God made us to be with other people.

It is why “solitary confinement” is such a terrible form of punishment; we are alone. We have no one else to console us or to talk with or share life with.

So, to say it again, “The Trinity proves that we are designed to be in relationships with other people!”  

How does that impact our day-to-day relationships? It serves as an example of how we should serve others!

In John 6:38, Jesus says, “…that [He] came down from heaven not to do [His] own will, but to do the will of the Father.” In John 16, Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will come to guide us into the truth, He will speak what the Father wants Him to speak, bringing glory to Jesus the Son. Ephesians 1 says that God set all things under the feet of Christ.

The Trinity serves as such an incredible example of selfless living. They seek to serve and honor one another. If each member of the Trinity is perfect, then it is the greatest example of how we should be in relationship with others. We are to serve people. Looking out not to our own interests, but to the interest of others…hmm, I think there is a verse that talks about that.  

What would happen if in this world, we made it our goal to serve others, and everybody had this as their goal? I wonder if all our needs would be met?  

What would happen if in a home, each member of the household sought to serve others? Would not all our needs be met?

What would happen if in the workplace, our schools, our sports teams, our grocery stores sought to serve others, would not all of our needs be met?

The Challenge: 

Make it your goal this week to serve someone in your home once a day. Ask God to reveal how that might happen! How can you serve your spouse, your child, your parents, your siblings? 

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